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HS 12022

This Hyva HS 12022 Service Cranes is a light weight crane that weighs up to 80% less compared to the industry. This versatile crane has many options and configurations. Volledige omschrijving

Product varianten

HS 12022 E2 H

  • Hefmoment (tm)
  • Max. hefcapaciteit (kg)
  • Max. gieklengte (m)
  • Max. Lifting Height (m)
  • Zwenkbereik (°)
  • Capaciteit Olie Tank (L)
  • Max. Oil Flow (L/min)
  • Werkdruk (bar)
  • Suggested Min. GVW (ton)


Hyva HS Service Cranes are light weight, versatile and state of the art with capacities of 3,000 lbs. to 14,000 lbs. and many options and configurations.


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