Guindastes montados sobre caminhão
Os guindastes Hyva montados em caminhão estão entre os guindastes mais usados no mundo, apresentando um amplo portfólio que atende todos os requisitos de elevação de cargas com eficiência em custos. Guindastes compactos e leves a robustos e articulados ou a máquinas altamente precisas. Os guindastes Hyva montados em caminhão servem para as mais diversas aplicações: construção civil, mineração, agricultura, eletrificação, locação e prestação de serviços e órgãos públicos. Para aumentar ainda mais a versatilidade do portfólio de guindastes Hyva, uma variedade de acessórios está disponível para atender aos seus requisitos, com máxima segurança e eficiência.

146 produtos
Auger for Earth Drill
- Max. Lifting Moment (tm) 0
- Max. Extension reach (m) 0
- Max. Lifting capacity (kg) 0
Barrier Lifter
- Max. Lifting Moment (tm) 0
- Max. Extension reach (m) 0
- Max. Lifting capacity (kg) 0
Big Bag Yoke
- Max. Lifting Moment (tm) 0
- Max. Extension reach (m) 0
- Max. Lifting capacity (kg) 0
Brick stack grapple with parallel opening
- Max. Lifting Moment (tm) 0
- Max. Extension reach (m) 0
- Max. Lifting capacity (kg) 0
Brick stack grapple with scissor grab
- Max. Lifting Moment (tm) 0
- Max. Extension reach (m) 0
- Max. Lifting capacity (kg) 0
Cab Guard
- Max. Lifting Moment (tm) 0
- Max. Extension reach (m) 0
- Max. Lifting capacity (kg) 0
Clammshell Bucket with Vertical Cylinder
- Max. Lifting Moment (tm) 0
- Max. Extension reach (m) 0
- Max. Lifting capacity (kg) 0
Clamshell Bucket with Horizontal Cylinder
- Max. Lifting Moment (tm) 0
- Max. Extension reach (m) 0
- Max. Lifting capacity (kg) 0
Clamshell Bucket with Narrow Carrier
- Max. Lifting Moment (tm) 0
- Max. Extension reach (m) 0
- Max. Lifting capacity (kg) 0
Clamshell Buckets with HPXdrive Heavy Duty
- Max. Lifting Moment (tm) 0
- Max. Extension reach (m) 0
- Max. Lifting capacity (kg) 0
Clamshell Buckets with HPXdrive Standard H 604HPX
- Max. Lifting Moment (tm) 0
- Max. Extension reach (m) 0
- Max. Lifting capacity (kg) 0
Clamshell Buckets with HPXdrive Standard H 604U HPX
- Max. Lifting Moment (tm) 0
- Max. Extension reach (m) 0
- Max. Lifting capacity (kg) 0
Clamshell Buckets with HPXdrive Standard H 613HPX
- Max. Lifting Moment (tm) 0
- Max. Extension reach (m) 0
- Max. Lifting capacity (kg) 0
Clamshell Buckets with HPXdrive Standard H 626HPX
- Max. Lifting Moment (tm) 0
- Max. Extension reach (m) 0
- Max. Lifting capacity (kg) 0
Clamshell Buckets with HPXdrive Standard H 632HPX
- Max. Lifting Moment (tm) 0
- Max. Extension reach (m) 0
- Max. Lifting capacity (kg) 0