Kamyona monteli vinçler
Hyva kamyona monteli vinçler, sunduğu geniş portföy ile, tüm kaldırma gereksinimlerini maliyet verimliliği ile karşılayan ve dünyada en çok kullanılan yükleyici vinçler arasındadır. Hafif kompakttan, mafsallı vinçlere veya son derece hassas modellere kadar, Hyva kamyona monte vinçler tarım, inşaat, madencilik, nakliye, çevre, savunma gibi tüm endüstriyel uygulamaları kapsar. Hyva vinç portföyünün çok yönlülüğünü daha da artırmak için, kaldırma gereksinimlerinizi maksimum güvenlik ve verimlilikle karşılamak üzere bir dizi ilave montaj aparatı mevcuttur.
145 Ürün:% s
Auger for Earth Drill
- Max. Lifting Moment (tm) 0
- Max. Extension reach (m) 0
- Max. Lifting capacity (kg) 0
Barrier Lifter
- Max. Lifting Moment (tm) 0
- Max. Extension reach (m) 0
- Max. Lifting capacity (kg) 0
Big Bag Yoke
- Max. Lifting Moment (tm) 0
- Max. Extension reach (m) 0
- Max. Lifting capacity (kg) 0
Brick stack grapple with parallel opening
- Max. Lifting Moment (tm) 0
- Max. Extension reach (m) 0
- Max. Lifting capacity (kg) 0
Brick stack grapple with scissor grab
- Max. Lifting Moment (tm) 0
- Max. Extension reach (m) 0
- Max. Lifting capacity (kg) 0
Cab Guard
- Max. Lifting Moment (tm) 0
- Max. Extension reach (m) 0
- Max. Lifting capacity (kg) 0
Clammshell Bucket with Vertical Cylinder
- Max. Lifting Moment (tm) 0
- Max. Extension reach (m) 0
- Max. Lifting capacity (kg) 0
Clamshell Bucket with Horizontal Cylinder
- Max. Lifting Moment (tm) 0
- Max. Extension reach (m) 0
- Max. Lifting capacity (kg) 0
Clamshell Bucket with Narrow Carrier
- Max. Lifting Moment (tm) 0
- Max. Extension reach (m) 0
- Max. Lifting capacity (kg) 0
Clamshell Buckets with HPXdrive Heavy Duty
- Max. Lifting Moment (tm) 0
- Max. Extension reach (m) 0
- Max. Lifting capacity (kg) 0
Clamshell Buckets with HPXdrive Standard H 604HPX
- Max. Lifting Moment (tm) 0
- Max. Extension reach (m) 0
- Max. Lifting capacity (kg) 0
Clamshell Buckets with HPXdrive Standard H 604U HPX
- Max. Lifting Moment (tm) 0
- Max. Extension reach (m) 0
- Max. Lifting capacity (kg) 0
Clamshell Buckets with HPXdrive Standard H 613HPX
- Max. Lifting Moment (tm) 0
- Max. Extension reach (m) 0
- Max. Lifting capacity (kg) 0
Clamshell Buckets with HPXdrive Standard H 626HPX
- Max. Lifting Moment (tm) 0
- Max. Extension reach (m) 0
- Max. Lifting capacity (kg) 0
Clamshell Buckets with HPXdrive Standard H 632HPX
- Max. Lifting Moment (tm) 0
- Max. Extension reach (m) 0
- Max. Lifting capacity (kg) 0